The website has been updated and moved to a different server and host, saving the Association over $135 per year. All registered users, articles, and documents have been converted. If you have an issue, please send an e-mail to: |
The 2024 Newsletter is available, including important inserts:
The 2025 Newsletter is available, including important inserts:
Members will be voting at the next General Meeting on proposed changes
to the following BOA governing documents:
- ByLaws, and
- Schedule of Fines
Please login to view these documents. They contain the current official
contents with markup to highlight the proposed changes.ATTEND VIRTUALLY: Google Meet joining info:
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/jme-egij-sfg
Or dial: (US) +1 470-499-3934 PIN: 497 917 375#More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/jme-egij-sfg?pin=8899852293306
Annual General membership Meeting Saturday, February 1, 2024 Download the Agenda **(Check-in begins at 12:30 PM)**
The next picnic:
The Jan 2021 General Meeting has been rescheduled due to Covid-19 restrictions.
The meeting will now take place on August 7, 2021 at the BOA Pavilion immediately following the summer picnic.
The BoD has decided to cancel the 2020 picnic, scheduled for Sat Aug 1. The decision was made because of Governor Polis' mandates for masking, limits to public gatherings, but mostly due to our health concerns for our owner/members. We apologize for the short notice and hope to see everyone on the first Saturday in August, next year.
The Jan 2020 Newsletter is available. It contains important information, including:
- Annual Dues Reminder and Instructions
- Lot and Well Use Questionnaire. Please fil out and return to the BOA.
- 2019 Financials and 2020 Financial Budget
- Ballot and Proxy forms for the Jan 2020 meeting